We are all carbon people! 4 – Luiz Berger

We are all carbon people! 4 – Luiz Berger

Today we have invited Luiz, the artwork designer of our Mexican Lager – El Crispy Boi! Luiz is based ​​in São Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 and our team has been impressed by his very cool comics illustration. When designing the El Crispy Boi label, he took inspiration from great Mexican artists from classics like Posada to modern underground comic artists like Abraham Diaz.

Luiz used to create and publish underground comics and he also worked as an illustrator for magazines. His favourite moments are when he gets to work with the things he loves. With the rise of the craft beer movement around the globe, he was able to mix two of his favourite things together: beer and art!

唔知大家有無俾El Crispy Boi嘅設計吸引到呢? Luiz係El Crispy Boi嘅啤酒標籤設計師,嚟自巴西,佢獨特嘅繪畫風格引起咗我哋嘅注意。今次嘅設計靈感嚟自佢對墨西哥文化嘅興趣,同埋兩位著名插畫家 Posada及Abraham Diaz。


🧑‍🎨Artist: @luizberger